
                                  RETURNS / CANCELLATIONS:

Our return policy applies only to products purchased directly from our website. To return the product it must be in its original condition and unused or open.

  • Returns:

You can return all new and unopened items within 15 days of delivery for a refund.
If the return is only because the customer is no longer interested in the product or by an error on your part, the value of the shipment will be paid by the customer, only the value of the product will be refunded less the value of the postage paid at the time of purchase.

  • Exchanged or defective items:

a) if the return is the result of an error by us (you received an incorrect item)or damaged product, in this case you must send us photos to prove that the items have been exchanged or damaged for
Shipping of the product to our warehouses will be paid by us.
b) if the return is the result of a defect in the product, you will have to contact us at,, to approve the return.
You will always have to return the order on your own. When we receive the products in our warehouses, we will analyze and, if you are right, we will refund the value of the product plus the postage paid by you.

You should expect to receive a refund within four weeks of returning your order. This period includes the time in transit for us to receive your return (10 to 14 business days), the time it takes us to analyze your return (3 to 5 business days) and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 working days). 

  • Unclaimed or insufficient address:

Any order that is returned to us due to unclaimed or incorrect address, the Customer will be refunded the purchase price, with a withdrawal of $9.99 for standard shipments, in the case of UPS fast shipments we withdraw the refund from $14.99, depending on the weight of the order, for packaging, handling, shipping and logistics.


a) Orders already shipped cannot be canceled, they must always be received by the customer and subsequently initiate a return request.
b) Delays in delivery cannot cause retention or cancellation of orders in progress, you will always have to receive the order and start the return process.
In this case, you will have to return the order paying the shipping costs. Upon arriving at our warehouses, we proceed with the refund of the value of the products less the value of the postage paid at the time of purchase.


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