

  • Endocare Tensage Cream 50ml

    Endocare Tensage Cream 50ml

    Endocare Tensor Cream 50ml   Endocare Tensor Cream is a light cream, with a rich and velvety texture, a natural activator of skin regeneration, with repairing and antioxidant properties, which acts effectively. Reduces the signs of skin aging and...
  • Endocare Tensage Eyes Contour 15ml

    Endocare Tensage Eyes Contour 15ml

    Endocare Tensage Eyes Contour 15ml   Endocare Tensage Eyes Contour is a regenerating fluid with rapid absorption, with natural activator of skin regeneration, repairing and antioxidant properties, which acts effectively, reducing the signs of...
  • Endocare Tensage Serum 30ml

    Endocare Tensage Serum 30ml

    Endocare Tensage Serum 30ml   Endocare Tensage Serum is a nutrient-repairing serum, with a tensor effect, a natural activator of skin regeneration, with repairing and antioxidant properties.Tensderm an active ingredient with a powerful tensor...
  • Endocare Tensage 10 Ampoules

    Endocare Tensage 10 Ampoules

    Endocare Tensage 10 Ampoules Endocare Tensage Ampoules is a highly concentrated care that stimulates skin regeneration, with obvious signs of photoaging. Visibly attenuating the main signs of skin fatigue: blemishes, wrinkles, sagging and dull...
  • Endocare Tensage Day Cream SPF30 50ml

    Endocare Tensage Day Cream SPF30 50ml

    Endocare Tensage Day Cream SPF30 50ml Endocare Tensage is a day cream that moisturizes and protects the skin against the sun's rays, while repairing, correcting and rejuvenating the complexion.It is a natural activator of skin regeneration, with...

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