NAN optipro 2 HM-O 800 grams
NAN OPTIPRO HM-O 2 is a formula for healthy infants from birth when not breastfed. NAN OPTIPRO HM-O 1 infant milk was inspired by research into breast milk, giving rise to a unique formula.
Did you know that breast milk, in addition to nutritious components, contains protective components?
Human milk oligosaccharides, unique components found in breast milk that help support the immune system. Protein is one of the most important nutrients for a baby's growth and development. Breast milk contains the right quality and quantity of protein to support healthy growth and development.
What makes NAN OPTIPRO HM-O 2 Infant Milk unique?
NAN OPTIPRO HM-O 2 is a follow-on milk for infants from 6 months of age which, together with other foods, forms part of the baby's diversified diet. Contains a unique formula, inspired by research into breast milk.
This infant milk should not be used as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life.
NAN OPTIPRO HM-O 1 – Milk for Infants – Powder.
Available format: 800g can (powder) with easy dosage and 700g (powder) cardboard box with 2 sachets of 350g inside.
On the packaging, you will find a table with the average reference doses for your baby's food. Follow your healthcare professional's recommendation.