
  • Phyto Extreme Softness Shampoo 250ml

    Phyto Extreme Softness Shampoo 250ml

    Phyto Extreme Softness Shampoo 250ml Phyto is a mild shampoo that cleans the hair of the whole family, neutral and for daily use. Hair becomes softer, more flexible and shiny.Prebiotics to help preserve the balance of the scalp and keep it healthy;Oat...
  • Phyto Softness Conditioner 175ml

    Phyto Softness Conditioner 175ml

    Phyto Softness Conditioner 175ml Phyto is a conditioner that hydrates, softens and protects while helping to easily detangle the finest, most fragile and sensitive hair.Oat milk that provides softness to the hair fiber;White mallow extract that leaves...
  • Phyto Softness Detangling Milk 150ml

    Phyto Softness Detangling Milk 150ml

    Phyto Softness Detangling Milk 150ml Phyto is a detangling milk that perfectly hydrates and detangles hair, while maintaining the scalp's natural balance. Disciplines and makes combing easier.Contains a combination of oat milk, calendula and rosemary...
  • Phyto Softness Dry Shampoo 75ml

    Phyto Softness Dry Shampoo 75ml

    Phyto Softness Dry Shampoo 75ml Phyto is a dry shampoo that cleans and refreshes, without the need to use water, while rebalancing and protecting the scalp.Frequent use that respects sensitive scalps. In its formula, a rebalancing prebiotic keeps the...

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